
CBD for Hormone Balancing

Millions of women are currently experiencing menopause, and for many, the symptoms can be quite disruptive. Hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and weight gain are just a few of the most common symptoms. While there are many treatments available for menopause, some women are turning to CBD for hormone balancing. CBD has been shown to help restore balance in the body by reducing inflammation and regulating hormone production. In this article, we will explore how CBD can help relieve menopausal symptoms. While menopause is a natural process, many women find the symptoms intolerable. From hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and problems like weight gain, many women are trying to find a solution. The changes in hormone levels can also lead to difficulty sleeping, vaginal dryness, and low libido. Many women turn to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to help relieve these symptoms. However, HRT can have its own set of side effects including weight gain, headaches, nausea, and breast t

When to use Progesterone Cream

  What Time of Day Should You Use Progesterone Cream? Progesterone cream is best used twice daily, morning and bedtime.  Don’t apply immediately before showering or exercising. Give it 30 minutes or more to fully absorb or use it afterwards.   HOW MUCH Apply 20 mg of progesterone per application (4 pumps).  Some women choose to use more at bedtime to support relaxation and sleep. Try using 5 pumps at bedtime for a few nights in a row to see how that works for you. Standard dose not doing the trick? Double your application for a few cycles to see if that works better.  Feeling too relaxed at standard dose? Then try using half as much per application. We are all individuals so you should adjust as needed. 

When Should I Start Using Progesterone Cream for Fertility?

The progesterone in a progesterone cream mimics the components of both ovulation and menstruation.   This progesterone production and the triggering of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) that stimulates the corpus luteum in the ovaries may increase the production of more progesterone. One of the main actions of progesterone with fertility is to help support a developing embryo.  The best time to start using our progesterone cream for fertility help is as soon as it's discovered progesterone levels are low.    If infertility is an issue, please use the above information in concert with your health care practitioner.    This is also an important FAQ we address with many others at Felicity Organics website at      A list of PRs on our google sheet can be seen at  progesterone cream  tab

Will Progesterone Stop My Period?

Supplementing with progesterone is not going to start or stop your period. Progesterone is a hormone that normally rises AFTER ovulation. In fact, there is the potential for progesterone to prevent ovulation because it can suppress the hormones needed to get a follicle growing. The menstrual cycle occurs in three phases: the follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase. On the first day of your cycle, which is the first day of your period, progesterone levels are low.  During the middle of the luteal phase, progesterone levels soar to an average of 25mg daily.   This signals the uterine lining to shed.  Except if progesterone levels don’t reach the ideal level, irregular periods or spotting can occur.  This is also an important FAQ we address with many others at Felicity Organics website at      A list of PRs on our google sheet can be seen at  progesterone cream  tab

Is it OK to Use Progesterone Cream Every Day?

If you no longer menstruate (post-menopausal, hysterectomy, or ablation) you can use the cream daily.  If you still menstruate, you can use the cream for the last 2 weeks of your menstrual cycle. If you’ve never counted the days in your cycle before then this is a good time to start. Day 1 is your first day of bleeding and the cycle length is counted from the first day of bleeding to the next cycle’s first day of bleeding. Ovulation, or the release of an egg from the ovary, generally happens about 14 days before bleeding (menstruation) so if you have a 28 day cycle, you will use the cream from day 14-28, or from ovulation until menses.  If your cycle is longer, like 30 days, then you will use the cream from days 16 to 30 of your cycle. Can’t bear being off the cream as your symptoms seem all month long? Stop use while menstruating, then resume for the remainder of your cycle.  This is also an important FAQ we address with many others at Felicity Or

Does Progesterone Cream Work Immediately?

Progesterone cream is absorbed in the skin readily and immediately reaches hormone receptors bypassing the liver, providing a more quick and pronounced effect.  As such, if the recommended dispensed 20mg is applied, the desired results can be achieved sooner.     Felicity Organics recently announced a forthcoming human trial clinical study to test the absorption of progesterone cream in a statistically significant sample of post-menopausal women.  A requirement of the study's participants is they are not currently undergoing any type of hormone replacement/supplementation regimen.   “Clinical trial” is defined in Section 102(b) of the revised IRB regulations (the 'Common Rule' ) as: “a research study in which one or more human subjects are prospectively assigned to one or more interventions (which may include placebo or other control) to evaluate the effects of the interventions on biomedical or behavioral health-related outcomes.” This is also an important FAQ we address w

Does Progesterone Cream Help with Sleep?

  One of the known “side effects” of applying progesterone cream is sleepiness.  The duration and deepness of sleep is significantly pronounced after applying progesterone cream.  Some studies have polygraphically recorded as much as a 45% to 50% improvements in these two factors.  Read more here reprinted courtesy of