Does Progesterone Cream Help with Sleep?

One of the known “side effects” of applying progesterone cream is sleepiness.  The duration and deepness of sleep is significantly pronounced after applying progesterone cream.  Some studies have polygraphically recorded as much as a 45% to 50% improvements in these two factors. 

Many of our readers are intrigued to find out that both women AND men secrete both estrogen and progesterone, the two hormones usually associated with women.  Men produce testosterone in greater amounts than estrogen and progesterone, but these two hormones are present at lower levels in men.     

Progesterone is a precursor to testosterone.  As men age, testosterone and progesterone decline and estrogen rises, absent an intention to counter this effect.   

This is somewhat similar for women.   Our progesterone levels help balance estrogen. As we age, both estrogen and progesterone levels in our bodies start to decrease…generally starting at around fifteen years prior to the full onset of menopause – a period known as perimenopause.  Progesterone levels decline and estrogen levels, in relation to progesterone levels tend to be higher, leading to many health issues including sleep disturbances.   

In this randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study, eight post-menopausal healthy women were given 300mg of progesterone for three weeks.  At the conclusion, their sleep patterns were monitored.  The researchers observed that the subject’s slow-wave sleep duration was almost 50% higher and the duration and intensity of deep sleep was around 45% improved as compared to the placebo group.   

Many women (and men) have found as they introduce progesterone back into their bodies at an optimal level, they may have been naturally accustomed to before, that they can resume their normal balance and lifestyle.

You can find this question and many others on our FAQ section at, where you can find many other commonly asked questions about progesterone cream and hormone balancing.  

This article reprinted from


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