
Showing posts from December, 2021

Is it OK to Use Progesterone Cream Every Day?

If you no longer menstruate (post-menopausal, hysterectomy, or ablation) you can use the cream daily.  If you still menstruate, you can use the cream for the last 2 weeks of your menstrual cycle. If you’ve never counted the days in your cycle before then this is a good time to start. Day 1 is your first day of bleeding and the cycle length is counted from the first day of bleeding to the next cycle’s first day of bleeding. Ovulation, or the release of an egg from the ovary, generally happens about 14 days before bleeding (menstruation) so if you have a 28 day cycle, you will use the cream from day 14-28, or from ovulation until menses.  If your cycle is longer, like 30 days, then you will use the cream from days 16 to 30 of your cycle. Can’t bear being off the cream as your symptoms seem all month long? Stop use while menstruating, then resume for the remainder of your cycle.  This is also an important FAQ we address with many others at Felicity Or

Does Progesterone Cream Work Immediately?

Progesterone cream is absorbed in the skin readily and immediately reaches hormone receptors bypassing the liver, providing a more quick and pronounced effect.  As such, if the recommended dispensed 20mg is applied, the desired results can be achieved sooner.     Felicity Organics recently announced a forthcoming human trial clinical study to test the absorption of progesterone cream in a statistically significant sample of post-menopausal women.  A requirement of the study's participants is they are not currently undergoing any type of hormone replacement/supplementation regimen.   “Clinical trial” is defined in Section 102(b) of the revised IRB regulations (the 'Common Rule' ) as: “a research study in which one or more human subjects are prospectively assigned to one or more interventions (which may include placebo or other control) to evaluate the effects of the interventions on biomedical or behavioral health-related outcomes.” This is also an important FAQ we address w

Does Progesterone Cream Help with Sleep?

  One of the known “side effects” of applying progesterone cream is sleepiness.  The duration and deepness of sleep is significantly pronounced after applying progesterone cream.  Some studies have polygraphically recorded as much as a 45% to 50% improvements in these two factors.  Read more here reprinted courtesy of

Where to Apply Progesterone Cream

Progesterone cream is best applied to areas of the body where the cream can be absorbed best by the skin.   Generally, areas that have increased blood flow are ideal.   Apply cream to the soft skin of the inner arms, inner thighs, abdomen or chest. Much of the absorption will occur through the palms of your hands while rubbing it in, so rub it in well before washing your hands. Want to try it on your face or neck? Try a small area first to ensure you tolerate it as these areas can be more sensitive in some individuals.  A particular study found that the face area absorbed better than most areas except the genitalia and underarms which posted close to 100% absorption [1]      Progesterone Cream absorbs readily in the body as it bypasses the liver and is utilized in certain hormone receptors just as a women’s own progesterone is. Kasting and Kretsos.Skin Pharmacol Physiol 2005;18:55-74

progesterone cream

 progesterone cream test coming soon...


One of the two primary female sex hormones is progesterone. Its major roles, sometimes known as “the pregnancy hormone,” or the “master hormone” is to regulate the menstrual cycle and prepare the uterine lining for implantation following ovulation if fertilization occurs. Progesterone levels should be low and estrogen levels should be high during the follicular phase of your cycle. Progesterone increases soon after ovulation and stays increased throughout the luteal phase (the second half of your cycle). If you get pregnant, your levels should remain increased to maintain a healthy uterine environment for the embryo’s development. If you don’t conceive, your progesterone levels decline towards the end of the luteal phase, causing your uterus to lose its lining and giving you your period. Although progesterone is important for your cycle and pregnancy, it also has a variety of other functions in your body, including: Boost moods Relieve the symptoms of perimenopause Boost your stamina a

Does Progesterone Cream Help with Sleep?

One of the known “side effects” of applying progesterone cream is sleepiness.  The duration and deepness of sleep is significantly pronounced after applying progesterone cream.  Some studies have polygraphically recorded as much as a 45% to 50% improvements in these two factors.  Many of our readers are intrigued to find out that both women AND men secrete both estrogen and progesterone, the two hormones usually associated with women.  Men produce testosterone in greater amounts than estrogen and progesterone, but these two hormones are present at lower levels in men.      Progesterone is a precursor to testosterone.  As men age, testosterone and progesterone decline and estrogen rises, absent an intention to counter this effect.    This is somewhat similar for women.   Our progesterone levels help balance estrogen. As we age, both estrogen and progesterone levels in our bodies start to decrease…generally starting at around fifteen years prior to the full onset of menopause – a per


  One of the questions our very own Dr. Deb is asked is “Where to Apply Progesterone Cream for Weight Loss”. This isn’t a very common question.  But interestingly, the question of where to apply progesterone cream is asked online at least twice as often as the search term “where to apply progesterone cream”.   And so we added the question to our FAQ section at , where you can find many other commonly asked questions about progesterone cream and hormone balancing.  The quick answer is that progesterone cream is best applied to areas of the body where the cream can be absorbed best by the skin.   Generally, areas that have increased blood flow are ideal.  These areas include the hands, the face, chest, breasts and inner arms and inner thigh areas.  A particular study found that the face area absorbed better than most areas except the genitalia and underarms which posted close to 100% absorption [1]     Progesterone Cream absorbs readily in the bod